
On November 22-th at the Debina Conference and Recreation Center official summary of a series of recreational and sports activities in boule took place, 
Boules  classes are one of many under the project 5.2 "Program of recreational and sports activities for residents carried out by project partners at facilities, for children and youth, seniors". This is an activity related to the implementation of the Project entitled "SMART Żywiec - (r)evolution", financed from the funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget.
As a part of the Partnership Agreement, surface of boules sportified was improved, there were also some infrastructure elements build in (to ensure the safety of participants in during the boules classes ). On the renovated boule sport fields 12 four-hour classes took place, conducted by coaches selected through recruitment process. Project activity included a half-hour theoretical part and a three-and-a-half-hour practical workout. 
During the meeting on 22-th friendly matches were also held, during which participants could test their skills acquired during the earlier classes. They competed in the following categories: children, seniors and people with disabilities.
On this sunny day sports fields were used to play friendly matches conducted by coaches of the Zywiec Boules Club, during which participants could test their skills. They competed in the following categories: children, seniors and people with disabilities. 
At the end of the event Mayor of Zywiec City Mr Antoni Szlagor handed out medals, diplomas, T-shirts and prizes for the most active participants in the project and those who took part in the classes. 
This is the first of the activities of Undertaking 5.2 planned in this Project. Next year, there will be more activities to which we are already inviting you

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